Tag: Steps

  • Bostock: Using up leftovers

    Bostock: Using up leftovers

    I’m proud to say the sixteen hot cross buns have depleted in numbers, and (I’ll smugly add) I am not the only culprit (there has definitely been a lift in the sugar ban in the rest of the house, not that I’ll name names). However, these buns have reached a crossroads resembling unforgiving stale rocks…

  • Spaghetti a la Clara

    Spaghetti a la Clara

    The kitchen is being painted. What started as a highly indulgent picnic adventure has now reached a tiresome level which is purely my aggravation that I can’t bake anything. Instead, I must satisfy myself with squidgy pieces of banana bread made on Sunday, cold pizza from the fridge, and try not to stare at pictures…